Handmade raw milk cheeses
Our cheeses are made from the fresh milk of a single herd of Montbéliarde cows on a family farm in Suffolk. All the St.Jude Cheeses are handmade in small batches with great care, passion and respectful of this delicious, complex milk. Enjoying the seasonality of the milk which shapes the cheese is a special distinction of raw milk farmhouse cheeses and is to be celebrated.
St.Jude is a small, soft, mould ripened cheese with a soft paste and flavours that are influenced with the seasons according to the cow’s diet. The sister cheese, St.Cera, is a washed rind version of St.Jude which develops stronger flavours with a pink/orange blush to the rind. We also make a curd, St.Jude Curd, and now our newest cheese, St.Helena, a washed rind semi-soft cheese.
All of our cheeses are made using the raw milk from this family farm.