Steam the potatoes then slice them to just £1 coin thickness.
Fry off the sliced onions in butter and/or oil, add chilli flakes and the pancetta or bacon lardons. When that is cooked add the chopped garlic cloves, pepper and fry for a minute, add the wine and reduce. Off the heat add the cream.
Line an ovenproof dish with 2/3 of the chopped potatoes. Layer in the onion and cream mix. Top with remaining 1/3 of potatoes and chopped cheese.
Bake at 180°C for about 30 minutes until golden and bubbling.
Serve with a side salad for four people.
Inspired by Andrew Woodcock
1kg waxy potatoes
1 medium onion
2 garlic cloves
Sprinkling of chilli flakes
300g cheese, such as St.Jude, St.Cera, and St.Helena
300g pancetta or bacon lardons
Small glass of white wine
300ml double cream
Salt and pepper
Butter for cooking